Sep 30, 2016 - Blogs, Resources by Sky Law Group
While most people believe distracted driving only refers to cell phone usage while driving, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Distracted driving takes on many forms and can be seen throughout the roads and freeways in California. Eating food while driving, putting makeup on while driving, drinking coffee or even playing with the stereo takes your eyes off the road for a few seconds and could be fatal.
Most people assume taking your eyesight off the road and multi-tasking for a few seconds is okay but simple physics is at work, which factors in speed, the weight of the vehicle and the distance traveled. Thus, every single second matters and when you look at such situations as a matter of life or death you begin to appreciate the importance of focused and attentive driving. An extra sip of coffee or an extra bite of food is not worth your life or placing others in harms way.
Often, we take simple pleasures such as driving a motor vehicle for granted. When we become comfortable, danger could be looming around the corner. At Sky Law Group, we employ the “Safety First!” message year round and encourage you to spread the message about the dangers of distracted driving to friends, family members and local members of your community and schools. The more people who understand and appreciate the dangers of distracted driving, the more lives we can save. You can get free downloadable materials and infographics from the National Safety Council by clicking here:
Join our law firm and spread the message today; Safety First! If you or a loved one has been injured by a distracted driver — call or message our law firm today for a free consultation. Call 1-844-4SKYLAW to discuss your accident injury case.